Global fashion brand Zara launched its second store at Phoenix Mall of the Millennium in Pune. Spread across an area of 24,500 sq. ft., it aligns with Inditex and Zara’s strategy of integrating advanced technological tools to enhance the shopping experience in an innovative and sustainable environment. Zara’s parent company Inditex currently operates 23 Zara stores in India, including this new location.
The store’s interior features a clean, neutral design with warm accents from wooden furniture and textiles. It houses the Women’s, Men’s, and Kids’ collections across two floors, connected by escalators and a lift. The Women’s and Kids’ sections are located on the ground floor, while the Men’s section occupies the first floor, which also includes a dedicated shoe display area.
Zara’s latest concept for larger stores is implemented at this location, incorporating technology to offer a seamless experience integrated with the brand’s online platform. Key features include fitting room reservations via the Zara app, a special area for online order collection, and the ability to search for items online and have them available in-store within two hours. The store also includes three self-checkout areas.
In line with Zara’s commitment to sustainability, the store has been designed to reduce energy and water usage compared to conventional retail spaces. The store is connected to a centralised system that controls lighting, heating, and air conditioning to optimise energy consumption and minimise CO2 emissions. Additionally, all wood and paper products used in the store, including bags and labels, carry PEFC or FSC certifications, ensuring sustainable sourcing.
Zara and its parent company, Inditex, are committed to reducing environmental impact through a holistic approach that spans the entire value chain. The group is also focused on reuse and recycling programs to promote a circular economy and reduce waste, to achieve climate neutrality by 2040.