Lee Cooper, the renowned denim brand, has made its mark in the women’s footwear segment with an exclusive launch event in Mumbai. Organized by Reliance Retail, the event introduced Lee Cooper’s flagship women’s footwear collection in a distinctive “No Shoe Party” setting.
The event, held on March 18, 2024, welcomed guests to experience Lee Cooper’s latest footwear offerings without shoes, immersing them in the brand’s world of comfort and style. Attendees, including actress Sanya Malhotra, embraced the unique theme by trying on the new collection barefoot and enjoying a night of music and dancing.
Lee Cooper’s SS’24 women’s footwear collection, titled “Shoes Don’t Judge,” features a diverse range of designs suitable for various styles and occasions. Embracing the ethos of impartiality and acceptance, the collection emphasizes self-expression and celebrates individual choices.
The “No Shoe Party” concept resonates with Lee Cooper’s commitment to authenticity and self-expression. Attendees reveled in the celebration of individuality while experiencing the brand’s stylish and comfortable footwear firsthand. Winners of a digital contest, which garnered significant engagement across Lee Cooper’s social media platforms, also joined the festivities.
Lee Cooper, a global fashion icon since 1908, continues to blend tradition with modernity, offering timeless collections that cater to men, women, and children in both apparel and footwear categories.