Aachho, one of India’s leading ethnic fashion brands, launched a new campaign on the occasion of Mother’s Day with a powerful video and a 6-part photo series. The campaign focuses on reflecting the stories of diverse mothers and their distinctive journeys of embracing motherhood. The campaign has its own hashtag for the brand’s Social Media, #aachhocelebratesmoms

This campaign highlights six supermoms from Jaipur, including the brand’s founder Rimjhim Hada. It brings to light the inspiring stories of varied kinds of mothers, going through different phases of motherhood. They featured distinguished mothers including Deepak Kalra (Director of Umang School), Lavanya Bahuguna (Former Chief Editor ScooNews), Upasana Bajaj (Founder of The Market Place Jaipur), Rachna Kaushik (Founder of Jaipur Moms Group), and Pinky Tamra (Director MGLR Pvt. Ltd.)

The campaign acknowledges the sacrifices mothers make and the struggles they endure, and goes beyond to dive a little deeper into their lives. The narrative of the entire campaign is based on voicing the unique stories of these six empowered mothers and how motherhood led them to find their true selves.

For one of the supermoms Deepak Kalra – when she was given the news that her firstborn son suffered from cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy, it set Deepak on a path to become a guiding light not just for her son but for thousands of other children with developmental delays and disabilities.


Pinkee Tamra, another supermom from Jaipur, single-handedly raised her two children after walking out of an abusive marriage. From running a salon to becoming a yoga instructor and organising DJ-club parties, she turned every obstacle into an opportunity and is living her life queen size.

Achoo’s Mother’s Day campaign truly and honestly portrays the diversity of mothers and how each of them has carved their own paths to find success, happiness, and contentment.

“With our campaign #AachhoCelebratesMom, we wanted to glorify the different shades of a mother and how motherhood adds to their courage and strength. Being a women-centric brand, we want to utilise our platform to represent more empowering women and encourage the women of the world to find their passions and fulfil all their dreams. This was the reason, our team also suggested featuring Rimjhim in the campaign because she is a fitting example of how becoming a mother doesn’t limit a woman in any way to conquer her entrepreneurial goals” says Anurag Singh Khangarot, Co-Founder and CEO, Aachho



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